Residential services that are truly home
Medstar aim to provide Service Users with residential services in a property tailored to meet their needs in an environment that provides a feeling of belonging and homeliness. We provide long and short-term residential registered care services for adults with complex needs, 24hours a day, 365 days of the year.
Meet the neighbours
All our residential properties are situated in quiet suburban neighbourhoods. Our personalised services are designed to ensure that the service users experience a safe, effective, caring, responsive and well-led service offer. .
Quality, Openness and Safety
Medstar is committed to providing residential services that have the highest standard of quality, probity, openness and accountability. As part of that commitment, we encourage Service Users, employees or other professionals to view all aspects of our work, and to come forward and raise with us any issue they might need some clarification on.
Procedures for expressing concerns or making complaints are essential and they are also a part of Medstar’s mechanism for creating a positive attitude within our services towards feedback and continuous improvement. Medstar procedures include mechanisms to ensure that matters such as complaints are not lost, are escalated and are tracked to resolution. In short, all our work leaves a paper or electronic trail. Within our properties, safety and accountability are paramount.
A home designed with you in mind
Every property has its own unique features influenced by the residents. Our staffing levels reflect the needs of service users. Staff are on hand to offer support 24 hours every day of the year. Each room is furnished according to tastes and expressed wishes of the service user. The common rooms including kitchens and living rooms are equipped with ultra modern amenities to aid ease of use.
A homely touch
Our well-led services are safe, caring, effective and are responsive to the ever changing needs of our service users and carers .