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Supported Living with you at the heart of everything we do

Our supported living services are designed to enable service users to live as independently as possible in their own properties or within a shared accommodation setting. They are offered a person-centred service based on identified needs which may be constant 1:1 supervision to shared support a few hours a day or 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year. We offer emotional and practical support when needed through:
• Support with personal care tasks
• Manage bills and form filling
• Reduce isolation through engagement in meaningful activities
• Ensure the safety and wellbeing of individuals.
• Help develop and maintain daily living skills
• Extra support to maintain the home
• Access to the community including support to and from activities which promote wellbeing
• Support to increase choice and control.

1) Core (shared) Support

This element of our service offer focuses on keeping users of our services safe and well in their home. Our staff will fulfil the core hours of support agreed upon in the care plan.
The support may include, but is not limited to:
• Night support
• Personal care
• Medication prompting / administration
• Tenancy management
• Ensuring a safe and viable service

2) Individual Support

This part of our service focuses mainly on overall service user well-being which includes community access, engagement, meaningful activities ( spiritual, work and learning) and developing the daily living skills:
• Promote the fostering of equality, diversity and rights and choices
• Ensure the health, safety and security of the individual service users. Including ensuring safeguarding procedures are in place
• Provide emotional and practical support to service users
• Provide personal care as appropriate and ensuring that dignity of the individual is maintained always
• Promote social inclusion by encouraging and supporting full participation in the local community based on ability and desire
• Encourage and support self-medication and administration of prescribed medication as agreed with the professionals, and support and care plans
• Contribute to our evidence-based support and care system by monitoring, recording, evaluating and reviewing all person-centred support plans

Our Commitment to you. We will:

• Provide you with the care and support of your choice
• Work with you to ensure you live as good a life as possibly can
• Work with you to realise your dreams and aspirations
• Only provide you with support staff who are capable, confident and compassionate
• Passionately support you and involve you in all decision-making processes
• Respect your choices
• Listen to your concerns and act upon them
• Work to improve our services for you and the community
• Stay informed to latest developments in the health & social care field to better support you
• Treat you with the respect and dignity you deserve
• Ensure your safety, security and comfort is our priority
• Offer you opportunities to realise your potential and in line with your vision

Find out more about supported living services at NHS Choices .